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Stefanie McNeal was born and raised in the small town of Jupiter, Florida and moved across the country to Los Angeles in 2015 after graduating with a BFA from the Florida State University College of Motion Picture Arts. After freelancing part-time and working as a prep tech for over two years at Division Camera/The Camera Division, she has now been working full-time as a freelance camera assistant for five years. As of 2022, she has joined the Local 600 union as a 2nd AC.

Clients she has worked with include Omaze, Buzzfeed, DJI, College Humor, Lifetime, Brat, Wag, NowThis News, Playboy, Vice, Wendy’s, KFC, Spotify, ATTN:, Adidas, Barbie, The Travel Channel, The Overwatch League, and Netflix. She will continue working hard as a camera assistant, building a stronger network, and learning as much as she can in the fast-paced and ever-changing world of filmmaking. 

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